I have used 4GB of data (according to my monthly plan), and can't activate 8GB of data rollover

I have used 4GB of data (according to my monthly plan), and I have an extra set of 8GB available for use, that I actually see in my account, but they are not automatically activated for Internet navigation. I just see the data working for WhatsApp and Instagram, for instance. From what I found on Fizz instructions it should all just automatically roll... Any tips? Thanks!
Best Answer
Hello Pablo B. #5075,
I am sorry to hear about this situation.
If the mobile data is on and working for some of the applications you have, please verify your phone's settings as PF_Ref_D2U9A suggested.
You can also try making a network reset.
If the issue still persists please contact your phone's manufacturer, maybe they can provide additional manipulations.
Have a lovely day,
we roll over your unused data at the end of each month. There’s nothing you need to do — your unused data is automatically rolled over to the next month at the end of each payment cycle.
Rolled over data lasts for the two following payment cycles, even if you change your plan. It’s always used before your monthly data. So if you have rolled over data, you’ll use it up first and then move onto the data in your regular plan.
More details.
Instead of disappearing at the end of each payment cycle, any unused mobile data will be automatically rolled over into the next month. Rolled over mobile data is valid over the following two months.
Your mobile plan will always use the oldest data first (thus, your rolled over data). In other words, you might have leftover data again at the end of your current cycle, and that data will be rolled over to next month. Keep in mind that rolled over mobile data cannot be gifted to another Fizz member.
Keep in mind that it only rolls over for 2 months.. It then expires if you still have not managed to use it.
Hope this helps.
If you still need help, Fizz Customer service agents are available online.
· Sign into your account
· Follow the link on this page: https://fizz.ca/en/faq/status-services
· Wait 3 seconds for the green bubble with a '?' appears at the bottom right of the browser, if you use a phone you must use it in desktop or horizontal mode
· Choose the option 💬 chat
· If the green bubble does not appear make sure your ad blocker is disabled, otherwise try with another browser.
PS: For me the only combination that works for CHAT, is Firefox, in a private window, and only when in the French language..
Other means of contact
· Whatsapp: (438) 393-5814
· By private message on Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/fizz_ca
· By private message on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fizzca/
CHAT however is the quickest method, but facebook is the easiest.
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Thank you very much @Emporium . This is the info I read online, but the problem is that the data rolled is only applying to WhatsApp and Instagram, but not to navigate the web on my browsers at all (says "NO INTERNET CONNECTION" on top of my browser), neither on Google maps for instance. So I'm a bit confused with that.
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Hi Pablo
If your mobile data is working for some apps like WhatsApp and Instagram, but it's not working for other apps like the browser and Google maps, then you must check your phone settings.
It is likely that the settings are blocking or limiting mobile data use for certain apps.
Check the mobile data settings on your phone for those apps that cannot access the internet.
Also if needed, restart your phone.
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Thanks @Whizz : I've tried with the settings, reset, but still the same. The weird thing is that with the first 4GB it worked perfectly. This weekend once I finished the 4 GB and started using the next 4GB, it started to work differently. Now it says "There is something wrong with the proxy server"
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I've been trying to reset this @Whizz and it's not working. Not even Google Maps works, so I don't understand the way the 1st rolled data is working without having touched anything myself to change the configuration.
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Hello again @Whizz I was able to fix it playing with the settings (restoring the APN to default: now it says Videotron, not Fizz anymore). Cheers!