Unstable internet since July 1st

MrNope Posts: 1 ✭✭

I have had regular cutoffs in the middle of the day since July 1st.

I can ping public DNS servers but nothing else gets through.

The cut yellow peaks in the picture are outages, as well as the missing graph parts in green . They've lasted for hours in the middle of the day. This is data from the last week.

Best Answer

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,275 admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi MrNope,
    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    I understand and I'm sorry for the inconvenience you're currently experiencing.

    Havingchecked in my tools, I can see that there is currently an incidentreported in your area and this interferes with the network connectionto that specific node. Rest assured, a team has been dispatchedon-site to deal with this and remedy the matter as soon aspossible.
    Iwould suggest you keep an eye on your modem from time to time andmonitor the behaviour of the led lights. If you see any change,restart the modem and test your connection again.

    Thank you very much for your understanding.
    Have a good one!



  • Ihssan
    Ihssan Posts: 280 ✭✭

    Chat with fizz, they can check if there is something wrong with the signal.

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