loging into router via webrowser ip
i'm trying to log in as admin on the router, the page says "type in "cuadmin" and then no password.(insturcitons for login in via the webapp.. which i can not uses (pc is linux) however this gives an error. note I AM NOT TRYING TO CONNECT TO WIFI. this is via a cable and im trying to acess the router admin. settings. i type in i am then greeted with the log in. however it demands a password. (not the wifipassword the router admin password) what is the default password for the router? i am on a desktop again so no apps etc webrowsers. to direct ip.
Best Answer
Hello mduffy,
To access your Fizz interface you will need the information from the black sticker from behind the modem.
The Username is "cusadmin" and the password is your wifi password, which is the "DefaultPassKey" from the white sticker. If you have changed it, it is your own modified wifi password.
You can check step 3 of the following FAQ https://fizz.ca/en/faq/how-can-i-recover-my-wi-fi-password as an example.
Have a nice day.
here is the login im talking about.