
xj Posts: 4 ✭✭

The planned installation for my internet is june 26th 12-6pm, but its almost 7 right now and the technician is still not here, could you help me contact the technician pls, postal code H8T 2A6 if it helps

Best Answer

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,273 admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello xj 

    I am sorry for the situation experienced.

    I see that you've managed to contact un in private and a ticket was created for the situation encountered. As soon as we will have an answer from them you will be notified by e-mail address.

    Thank you for your understanding and patience. Have a great day!



  • vanigh
    vanigh Posts: 328 ✭✭

    Sorry to hear about your missed installation, It's very inconvenient, If by now the technician didn't show up, the best thing is to contact Fizz customer service "contact us" by chat or log in to your account and schedule another installation date.

  • Caramel
    Caramel Posts: 1 ✭✭

    Salut, il m'es arrivé la même chose que toi hier. je l'attendais le 26 juin entre 12h et 17h et il n'est jamais venu. Sur la page de mon compte, il est écrit que c'est moi qui l'a manqué alors que j'étais à la maison toute la journée. J'ai même appelé chez Vidéotron pour savoir si leur techniciens dépassait les plages horaires pour respecter les rendez-vous planifier? Je n'ai pas eu de nouvelle de Fizz, et ils ne me répondent pas sur Messenger non plus. Super le service à la clientèle de Fizz. Je ne pourrez pas avoir ma livraison du modem avant lundi le 5 juillet. Nouvelle chez Fizz et déjà j'ai des problèmes avec eux.


    Hi, the same thing happened to me as you yesterday. I was expecting him on June 26 between 12 p.m. and 5 p.m. and he never came. On my account page it says it was me who missed it while I was at home all day. I even called Videotron to find out if their technicians exceeded the time slots to meet the scheduled appointments? I haven't heard from Fizz, and they're not responding to me on Messenger either. Great customer service from Fizz. I will not be able to have my modem delivery before Monday July 5th. New to Fizz and already I have problems with them.

  • PierreAl
    PierreAl Posts: 4 ✭✭

    I've taken my second appointment because no one showed for the first one. I've been waiting since 7:30 this morning. They have about an hour left to show up. This is starting to feel like a scam.

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