I cannot find make my monthly payment button

BettyB Posts: 1 ✭✭

I had a payment issue due to not changing my billing address at the bank after moving but now it's done. Still I cannot find make my monthly Payment button anywhere ! And there's no direct support. Can anyone help ?

Best Answer

  • Faelirya
    Faelirya Posts: 425 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I read on the forum that the "monthly payment button" bugged sometimes. If l it's your case, I suggest you to contact Fizz. If they don't receive the payment in time, Fizz will lock your account and it gets morr complicated afterwards


    You can use that link to click on the green bubble with "?" To chat with Fizz


  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,233 admin

    Hi Kevin,
    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    I can see that you managed to manually pay for your Internet plan and unfreeze it.
    It is now active and running.

    You can check out our Solutions Hub for any tips and help you may require in the future:

    Thank you very much for your understanding, patience and collaboration.

    Have a good one!


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