:( Switching to higher speed but not given price difference

Ajaykumar Posts: 91 ✭✭

My current plan was at $40 when I signed up but same plan is now $45. When asked if I switch to a higher spped will I have to pay the price difference but the customer service did not agree and said I would have to pay new price which means paying more like other new customer. No real advantage for old customer when swiching to higher speed

Best Answer

  • Idefizz
    Idefizz Posts: 2,997 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    The real (and only) advantage is the actual speed gain. But it will indeed always be according to current rates (when on the other hand not changing protects your price; that is the old customer advantage).

    This is common with a lot of companies. The choice remains yours.

    Also, a price difference can come with the My rewards program. Using the "upgrades" over time can grant you up to 7$ per month.


  • StefanM
    StefanM Posts: 1,453 ✭✭

    Fizz support is right. As soon as you switch your plan, the new rates apply to you. Whenever you switch, you get a new contract and hence you have to pay the currently advertised rates. I’m sorry I don’t have better news for you :(

    However, the longer you stay with Fizz, the more you progress in the MyRewards Program, which comes with some great rebates!

  • Zenthar
    Zenthar Posts: 516 ✭✭

    Fizz has low rates, provides the modem free and doesn't lock you in want contact; at some point they have to draw a line even for old customers.

  • Anita L.
    Anita L. Posts: 9 ✭✭

    120 Mbps is at the same price as 60 Mbps at $50.00, sweet deal!

  • Zenthar
    Zenthar Posts: 516 ✭✭

    OP probably has the 30Mbps plan and was hoping he could get the 120Mbps with the same 5$ rebate he has on his grandfathered plans (so pay 45$ for it). I'd be curious to know what is the grandfathered price for the 120Mbps.

  • Fizzy
    Fizzy Posts: 12,175 ✭✭

    For those who were really lucky to sign-up during beta, the grandfathered price for the 120 Mbps plan is $40.

    Of course, anyone having that plan who wants to upgrade or change plans will have to pay at the current rate (like everybody else).

  • Dgjf
    Dgjf Posts: 3,118 ✭✭

    Thanks for the information 40$ is a great price is fun to know this fact :)

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