Modem & Router not working

dbergeron Posts: 7 ✭✭

Hello all,

Yesterday around 10PM, my wifi stopped working. Nothing "that" unusual, I went through what I usually do.

I disconnected the modem for 5 minutes, reconnected. Power LED only showing up on the modem.

I pushed the restart button for more than 30 seconds.

Nothing happens. The modem is only showing the power LED. No wifi, no internet.

Is it dead?

Best Answers

  • Idefizz
    Idefizz Posts: 2,997 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hello @dbergeron

    If one of the 2 LEDs with the arrow symbol is not solid blue, you potentially have a problem with the signal from the coaxial cable, the modem itself, or perhaps you have a problem in your area.

    So check you coax cable on both ends. If you have another coaxial cable than the one that you already use, it would be very useful to test with it. Also check the steps from the FAQ as well:

    Doing a full factory reset is a not so quick solution, but faster than waiting for a answer here.

    Finally, contact Fizz since they can 

    • verify if there is an incident or maintenance work carried out in your area affecting services.
    • check your account status
    • check your modem status if it works within optimal parameters, if its signals are within functioning ranges and also its history (like recent signal fluctuations for the past few days). They can check for package loss or broadcast congestion.

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,273 admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello dbergeron,

    I am sorry to hear about this situation.
    I can see that you contacted our support team already and a technician will be sent for further investigations.
    Don't hesitate o reach us again if you even need assistance:

    Have a good one,


  • dbergeron
    dbergeron Posts: 7 ✭✭

    I will add, that I also connected my computer directly into the router. Unable to connect to the modem and router via the IP

  • dbergeron
    dbergeron Posts: 7 ✭✭

    I'll try to contact them directly. I don't see why my coax cable in my house would all of the sudden not work without moving or whatever. Maybe its outside.

    One end is locked with a ring so I cannot change the cable to try another one...!

  • Idefizz
    Idefizz Posts: 2,997 ✭✭

    Not all of a sudden, but if was loose in the first place cleaning the place, moving furniture, a pet, a young child grasping things, or whatnot could make it loose connectivity. But yeah, maybe it is outside too.

    I frown at any tech setting up a security ring. Such a bad practice IMHO. One ring to rule them all...💫 But yes, chances are that that coax end has not moved at all.

  • dbergeron
    dbergeron Posts: 7 ✭✭

    I agree, but I also did disconnect and reconnect the coax.

    My main concern is about the fact that even if the coax cable would not work or that the internet is not working, shouldn’t it still show up as a router and work as an internal network?

  • Idefizz
    Idefizz Posts: 2,997 ✭✭

    Good question. As much as I'd like to give you a clear answer, it goes a bit beyond my knowledge and I'd presume that the internal working could differ amongst manufacturers.

    Then again the troubleshooting page says that Ethernet is disabled so I'd conclude that the local routing as well:

  • Jacques_Assert
    Jacques_Assert Posts: 160 ✭✭

    The Fizz modem will work as a switch even if the Internet is non-functional.

    However, it may take some time for the modem to give up trying to connect upstream.

    And a factory reset (like you may have done) is a scenario that may require it to 'phone home' to get it's DOCSIS profile before it proceeds.

    So it can work as a switch without Internet, but you are in an edge case with the reset where it may not work and/or take a very long time to timeout from attempting to connect.

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