Is there an issue with internet currently?

harry Posts: 6 ✭✭


I work from home at Montreal and this morning I am not able to connect to internet. My modem is well plugged but it remains offline. I tried to to restart the modem but it doesnt change anything.

Do you have any information about the status of the service?

Best Answers

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,273 admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello Harry,

    I am sorry for the situation encountered.
    I have made the necessary checks on my tools and I kindly inform you that the technical team is making further maintenance work in your area starting, and this is causing the issues with your Internet service.

    Rest assured that our technical team is working on this to have it solved as soon as possible.

    If you have other questions, here you can find how to contact us:

    Have a great day!


  • Idefizz
    Idefizz Posts: 2,997 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    The status page does not (yet) show any widespread outage ( but another forum member reported that Fizz confirmed an outage in his/her area this morning: (French)

    On top of that, for the first time (for me), there was congestion in the chatting tool few minutes ago, (again French)

    So there might be a large enough issue to make them busy but not enough to show on the status page...

    Nevertheless, try to chat with them to see if it's your neighborhood or your setup.

    If one of the 2 LEDs with the arrow symbol is not solid blue, you have a problem with the coaxial cable signal, so maybe you have a problem in your area (or the coax cable itself).


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