Let's talk about your hobbies

Nicolas_R Posts: 35 ✭✭
edited September 2024 in Break Room

Hey guys,

So I will be the first to create a post in this forum category.

What is a hobby you're practicing or learnt recently ?

For me, it's the guitar. I've been playing since a bit now. I love it 🙂

Have a great day !



  • roch-andre
    roch-andre Posts: 272 ✭✭

    Me and my wife are at home so it's easier + it's our 3rd kids so we know the drill haha she is a easy baby

  • Dgjf
    Dgjf Posts: 3,118 ✭✭

    Ho ok. My wife work so im alone in the day (and sometime the weekend too and she can work late) at home. This explain the difference in our situation and its only my second child :p It should be really nice to share this moment with your wife :)

  • Idefizz
    Idefizz Posts: 2,997 ✭✭

    I'd rather talk about my Hobbits ...I need to find some first tho 🤡

  • Dgjf
    Dgjf Posts: 3,118 ✭✭

    @idéfizz you have a hobbie its to answer question here on the Fizz forum. Or maybe not im not so sure 🙊(nice emoticon on the forum)

  • Nick M. #14999
    Nick M. #14999 Posts: 64 ✭✭

    When I was about 7 or 8 I discovered comic books at the corner store! They quickly became an obsession that over the course of the next 40 years I amassed well over 100 000 issues of thousands of titles! I have near complete runs of most titles I collected from the late 70s to the early 2010s. My favourite part of this hobby was the joy of reading incredible storylines and making friends from all over the city. My best friend is a co-founder of the Montreal comicon we met in kindergarten if you can believe that!

  • roch-andre
    roch-andre Posts: 272 ✭✭

    That is insane. My youngest is Marvel figurines he have close to one hundred.. from rocket to Hela passing by sludge, korg , Thor etc..

    P.s I like that too

  • NinjaBunga
    NinjaBunga Posts: 203 ✭✭
  • Dgjf
    Dgjf Posts: 3,118 ✭✭

    Wow its so nice to do that whit your child :)

  • NinjaBunga
    NinjaBunga Posts: 203 ✭✭

    I went for an IPA, Lemon Wine and Maple Syrup Wine :D

  • NinjaBunga
    NinjaBunga Posts: 203 ✭✭

    Well I have a 2 yo and a 4 yo. I do almost everything with them. They help me repair our cars, repair electronics and toys, brew beer etc. It keep them occupied and it prevents me from going crazy ;)

  • Dgjf
    Dgjf Posts: 3,118 ✭✭

    Wow impressive my older has 3 years and half and dont manage to focus more than 5 minutes. I hope it will get better later but for now its hard to do complex think like you do with your child. Or im just bad at it :p

  • NinjaBunga
    NinjaBunga Posts: 203 ✭✭

    To be fair, it's far from being easy. If that can be of any use for you, what I do is I explain them upfront what we will be doing and I give them small responsabilities that they have to accomplish. I usually takes about 5 times longer than it should, but that's fine by me.

  • Dgjf
    Dgjf Posts: 3,118 ✭✭

    Its make sens. Thanks for the feed back i will try. But i dont no if i have enough patience to manage the 5 times longer part 😁

  • Benoit
    Benoit Posts: 519 ✭✭

    Disney pin trading, including marvel.

  • Totoro
    Totoro Posts: 8 ✭✭

    Omg all your hobbies are quite nice. The brewing sounds really awesome @Mathieu T. 88438 .

    Ohhh I hope you will keep practicing guitar @Nicolas R. 33721. I’ve tried in the past, but I kind of gave up. My fingers hurt a lot and I’m kind of weak in general.😅

    For myself, I’m really into arts :) I’m trying to draw more and right now I’m motivated to learn the basic of 3d (I was more into 2d before). I know it has already been 1 week since the last reply, but just seen this and it sounded really interesting and a friendly thread.

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,264 admin

    @Totoro that's nice. 😎Good luck !

    Maybe you'll share one of your drawings with us some day 😉


  • Pete
    Pete Posts: 214 ✭✭

    me i like animas. i like to play with my dog

  • annéemariée
    annéemariée Posts: 0 ✭✭

    I like jogging ans doing my workout, sometimes i paint. You guys are great i love your hobbies

  • StefanM
    StefanM Posts: 1,453 ✭✭

    I always wanted to improve my French. I am now starting to implement a regular schedule of learning French everyday for 15-20 minutes. Small steps to success.

    Apart from that: hitting the gym and, once the pandemic is over, back to regular trips :)

  • Dgjf
    Dgjf Posts: 3,118 ✭✭

    Good luck its more often the other wait around (french people who learn english like myself). French is nice but sometime too complicated for nothing. Mais parler plusieurs langue est toujours un plus dans la vie a mon avis :)

    And yes i know my english need many hours for improving :)

  • JuanPa
    JuanPa Posts: 232 ✭✭

    My hobby is to answer on fizz forum

  • Tommy V. #1175
    Tommy V. #1175 Posts: 34 ✭✭

    Hahaha good one, mine is golf

  • JuanPa
    JuanPa Posts: 232 ✭✭

    Golf is nice... but GOLD is better :P

  • Pete
    Pete Posts: 214 ✭✭

    to answer on Fizz forum is also a good hobby

  • Panagiotis A.
    Panagiotis A. Posts: 18 ✭✭

    Cycling is great!

  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,264 admin
    edited July 2021

    Gaming and comics nerd... Speaking of gaming... Tennocon incoming!! 😍

    Catalin D.

  • Amélie2222
    Amélie2222 Posts: 13 ✭✭

    I play volley-ball!!! I like it so much

  • Corycccolber
    Corycccolber Posts: 1 ✭✭

    Hello everyone, my hobby is pretty interesting, I like to shoot videos and edit them. royality free music helps me with this, on other forums I was advised a wonderful site that has a lot of music and sounds for your videos

  • Doomdrou
    Doomdrou Posts: 1,386 ✭✭

    Gaming is my main hobby. I also love listening to music.

  • Catalin C. #14095
    Catalin C. #14095 Posts: 23 ✭✭

    Running and Cycling...

  • Doomdrou
    Doomdrou Posts: 1,386 ✭✭

    Which comics? I was once a big Captain America aficionado.

  • Saamenerve
    Saamenerve Posts: 81 ✭✭

    I've been doing powerlifting for the past 3-4 months!

  • jfmartel
    jfmartel Posts: 57 ✭✭

    Enjoying my series X! Forza Horizon 5 is soooo good. Can't empty backlog...

  • Gregory_P
    Gregory_P Posts: 2 ✭✭


  • Vesper
    Vesper Posts: 31 ✭✭

    I second answering the Fizz forum LOL. And playing Wordle daily.

  • Sam_Y
    Sam_Y Posts: 20 ✭✭

    I've been learning algorithms to solve Rubik's cube! Not the most useful hobby but it's always fun to challenge your memory and reflexes from time to time :)

  • Emma
    Emma Posts: 1 ✭✭

    my hobby is running! I am training for a marathon :)

  • SmartyPants
    SmartyPants Posts: 21 ✭✭

    @Gregory_P I love that too. It used to be nearly the only sport that we could do when everything was closed.

    I'd try ice climbing, but it's so god damn cold these days.

  • JimiJames
    JimiJames Posts: 3 ✭✭

    Cool, what’s the best exercise for going from 3 to 4 ball juggling?

  • stewin
    stewin Posts: 13 ✭✭

    Guitar and SimTrucking!

  • Serhio
    Serhio Posts: 67 ✭✭

    Mobile games )

  • isolate
    isolate Posts: 4 ✭✭

    I enjoy making food and hiking.

  • brouleau21
    brouleau21 Posts: 178 ✭✭

    Cycling, walking, reading!

  • HerbalNekoTea
    HerbalNekoTea Posts: 1 ✭✭

    Mechanical Keyboard (The vintage kind principally) and Anime. I really love my Alps SKCM Orange and Alps SKCM Blue Vintage keyboard from the 1980'S. Converting those board to USB's a nice relaxing hobby. I wish i had $2000 for buying a IBM Beamspring from the 1970'S.

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