Payment failure but charged twice?

I was advised my payment failed, but my account is showing I was charged twice. Is this a Fizz issue?


  • Same for me. Seems this happened to a lot of people.
  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,234 admin
    Hello Naomi,
    Apologies for the situation encountered and for the double charge.
    Checking your account I can see that you have been indeed doubled charged. Because of this, a ticket was escalated and our team is working on it. As soon as the answer will be provided by them, you will receive an e-mail with updates. Regarding the notifications, the system sends them automatically.
    Please rest assured, we are doing our best to find a proper solution for this and refund the extra charge.
    Thank you for your understanding.
    Have a good one.
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