Previous Provider never sent text message - Transferring old number

Hello community!
I'm in the process of setting up my new account with Fizz. I'll be transferring 5 lines. I'm using my personal line and my wife's as the tests before I transfer everyone else's.
My previous provider, Telus, NEVER sent the authorization text. I had kept my old sim in as directed and never received any sms messages. I then received a failed to authorize the transfer notification from Fizz, stating failure to respond in time. (eyeroll) This was last night.
Now I've tried to resubmit my number for transfer this morning and it says it belongs to the Fizz network. Yay. But I still cannot receive calls. Any ideas?
My wife's line was the same - no text received from Telus.
If I try and resubmit, her message says that it's already been submitted. So I'm kinda stuck here.
Any help would be great!


  • vgStef
    vgStef Posts: 176 ✭✭
    Hi Bryan,
    I recently transferred a number from one company to the other and I never received the authorization text, but the transfer worked. So I guess that the authorization isn't always sent. Sometimes, it's also sent by email. Did you check your emails/spam folder?
    So your number could be transferred but not already activated.
    In your Fizz account, do you see your mobile number in My Plans?
  • Gabriele G.
    Gabriele G. Posts: 167 ✭✭
    Try to contact both Telus and Fizz support to figure out what happened. Maybe it is just a matter of re-sending the text message.
  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,264 admin
    Hi Bryan,
    I just checked on your account via the information on file and I can confirm the fact that all 5 phone numbers have been successfully transferred over to Fizz.
    The plans are now active and running.
    Welcome to Fizz!
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