Egctelecom cable unlimited internet 30mbs for 34.99

ROLAN Posts: 3 ✭✭
Egctelecom gives me 30 mbs unlimited cable internet free modem and connection for 34.99 for always.
What price you can give me, as i am already customer with you

Best Answer

  • Fizzy
    Fizzy Posts: 12,182 ✭✭
    Answer ✓
    Hi Rolan

    Unfortunately Fizz does not participate in price matching.

    Do know that if you create a new account, you can benefit with 2x the referral credit by using your referral code. Also with the My reward upgrades, you can benefit with up $7 discount on your monthly internet plan as you unlock 3 slots once you reach higher levels.


  • Pascal L. 40582
    Pascal L. 40582 Posts: 649 ✭✭
    This is not Bell. What Fizz offers is what you get at that price. No unkept promises, or Too good to be true promotions here.
    ROLAN Posts: 3 ✭✭
    I can pay 34.99 monthly for 30 mbs and it is not 2 year contract, i spoke to the agent today.
    Yes there is 15 dollars handling fee but modem
    and instalation is free.
    Can i have 30 mbs unlimited internet from Fizz for 34.99 as i am a mobile customer already
    ROLAN Posts: 3 ✭✭
    That's right, if you pay for one year in advance you have a risk to lose if they go to the bankruptcy. Egctelecom gives you an opportunity to pay on monthly basis, with no contract, the price stays 34.99 for 30 mbs unlimited cable internet,
    Can not understand the businesses that dont give to their clients the same opportunities that other companies give, meaning the price.
    In any way, the company doesnt lose anything, on the contrary has even more profit by giving two services.
    For example, in France for 3 services, mobile, tv and unlimited internet of 60 gbs average price is 30-40 eur. In Israel and Russia for 100 mbs unlimited internet people pay 15-20 usa dollars
  • Gabriele G.
    Gabriele G. Posts: 167 ✭✭
    Fizz does not price match but you can try to reach an agent and see what he/she says. Otherwise, you can get some extra discount when you level up your account.
  • Quang D. #10622
    Quang D. #10622 Posts: 14 ✭✭
    Fizz internet price is not very competitive than it used to be. I'm a beta tester user and I got 60Mbps for $35 and with the rebate at lv5, the price is only $30 now.
  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,292 admin
    Hello ROLAN,
    We are not able to offer you preferential prices.
    The prices we have are the ones displayed on our website and are the same for all our customers.
    This way we make sure everyone pays a fair price.
    Here you can find more information:
    Have a good one!
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