Payment Declined

Larissa J.
Larissa J. Posts: 1 ✭✭
It if for Sure a Junior that is creating the Website, I am realy concerned about the security of my informations. It is not normal this problem. I dont have this with others Operators. I have 5 SIMs Card. Im using the same credit card for both. 2 of them Im having problems to activate. I have already tried copy and paste address, change address. Nothing is working.


  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 21,770 ✭✭

    It can be a security concern, that they do not allow using the same credit card in more than 2-3 accounts

    you can contact Fizz support by chat

    1- Log in to your account (see top right).
    2- Any ad blocker in your browser must be disabled.
    3- You must be on a help sheet:
    4- The green bubble should appear in bottom right of the page
  • sman
    sman Posts: 5,294 ✭✭
    Larissa change your credit card
  • StefanM
    StefanM Posts: 1,453 ✭✭
    I recommend changing the credit card. Sometimes it’s declined due to security risks. If this doesn’t work either, contact support!
  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 23,738 admin
    Hello Larissa,
    We're sorry to hear you encountered this situation. I took a look at your account and I see that you've reached us regarding this matter and one of my colleagues has further helped with it, by advising how to add the billing address exactly as it's declared to the bank for that card. Our system needs everything to match 100% in order to be able to successfully accept the payment method, as you can also see on our page:
    If there is still a situation after adding the billing address identically since you mentioned you tried to copy&paste it as well, please don't hesitate to contact us on live chat so we can be able to further help:
    Have a wonderful day!
  • Emmanuel S. #36497
    Emmanuel S. #36497 Posts: 241 ✭✭
    Is it a prepaid card, they don't accept those at Fizz ?
  • StefanM
    StefanM Posts: 1,453 ✭✭
    They do, but I think Larissas problem is that she has all the simcards on the same card (possibly even a separate account for every card) and the system declines the cc.
  • Gilles
    Gilles Posts: 1,340 ✭✭
    Wow, this question has been open for 10 days, chezzwizz what are you doing?!?
This discussion has been closed.