Why is my Phone line down?

Sacha A.
Sacha A. Posts: 3 ✭✭
i ve tried rebooting my cell, removing the sim and putting it back, and verifying my account. all is in order yet my iPhone 6 is saying no service. Internet at home works fine.


  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,167 admin
    Hi Sacha,
    Thank you very much for reaching out to us.
    Please turn ON Airplane mode and then turn it back OFF, turn on Data roaming and then turn it back OFF, make sure you're connected to Fizz, turn OFF the Wi-Fi, make sure that your IOS is up to date and if neither of these steps helps you out, please pop out the SIM card from your phone then pop it back in, restart the phone and then reset the mobile network settings:
    Settings → General → Reset → Reset network settings
    Thank you for your consideration.
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