Credit card cancelled, waiting for new card

Hello, The credit card I use for automatic payments to Fizz was cancelled because of fraudulent activity and I am waiting for a new card. How do I make sure that my service will not be interrupted? Can I make a payment via my bank? I think tomorrow is the beginning of my billing cycle.


  • sman
    sman Posts: 5,501 ✭✭
    Teresa when this happened to me I ask to my brother to enter is cc
  • Poposlick
    Poposlick Posts: 38 ✭✭
    I know that Fizz accepts KOHO prepaid card if that helps.
  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,271 admin
    Hello Teresa,
    I took a look at your account and saw that you were able in the meantime to update your payment method and the payment successfully passed for your plan. You can also see it by going to My Plans - Transaction History.
    For future reference, payments made directly via bank are currently not possible, but you can check the FAQ provided by Lieux for what payment methods can be used on our side.
    If you need further assistance, for all the information on how we can be reached you can check our page:
    Have a lovely day!
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