Why my payment doesn’t pass

My informations is update and i don’t understand why you have a problem with the payment. Why it’s doesn’t pass??


  • Fizz seems to be very picky with payment cards based on the number of questions related to why a payment card isn't working.
  • MichelP
    MichelP Posts: 8,731 ✭✭
    When you have added your new payment method, have you associated all of your Fizz plans into your account?
    First, log to your Fizz account. For all your plans:
    Clik on: My plan
    Click on: Manage my plan
    Click on: Payment method
    Click on: Managed payment method and associate your plan with the new credit card.
    If you still have problems;
    Contact the Fizz customer service by chat.
    Log to your Fizz account.
    Clik on the green chat bubble when you see it down to the right of the page.
  • Alzhi
    Alzhi Posts: 305 ✭✭
    Hi Alexandre,
    Is the credit card you are using a Canadian card?
    Is it a prepaid card, if yes, is it one you can make reccuring pre-authorized payment on ?

    For more info : https://fizz.ca/en/faq/how-do-i-fix-payment-issue

    Have a good day
  • So_AR
    So_AR Posts: 776 ✭✭
    check with the customer service by chat
  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,270 admin
    Hello Alexandre,
    We're sorry to hear about this situation. I took a look at your account and saw that the payment was unsuccessful for your plan. I also see that there have been some attempts to manually make the payment, however they were also unsuccessful. In this case, we suggest contacting your bank to ensure there's no blockage from them by any chance and to also ensure there are enough funds on this payment method.
    Afterward, you can retry to make the payment by going to My Plans - Manage Plan - Payment method - Make my monthly payment. More information can be found on the FAQ the others have provided as well.
    If the situation will still be ongoing, please reach out to us so we can be able to help: https://fizz.ca/en/contact-us
    Thank you so much for your understanding.
    Have a lovely day,
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