Coverage in new brunswick

Paulette V.
Paulette V. Posts: 4 ✭✭
I am in New Brunswick for 4 months...NO INTERNET SERVICE,! Really awful paying for nothing...


  • Danny M. #31189
    Danny M. #31189 Posts: 378 ✭✭
    Hello Paulette, are you a resident of QC or New-Brunswick? Fizz is based in QC/ONT and you are only allowed to be roaming for 3 months consecutively.
    For now for your service to work, make sure you are on FIZZ EXT and restart your phone. If that does not work, get in touch with support.
  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,264 admin
    Hello Paulette,
    I apologize for this situation that you experience.
    Checking the address you have provided I could see that you are using your services while you need to be connected on our partner's networks.
    Therefore, you will have to manually connect your phone to Fizz.EXT and open your Roaming feature.
    For more details, I suggest you check the FAQ and also keep in mind that you are trying to use your services while you are connected to Fizz.EXT for more than 3 consecutive months, you will have your access locked.
    More about this can be found over the FAQ
    If you are still unable to use your Mobile Internet services, please contact us by chat so that we can assist you.
    Have a good one!
    Nicolae Bogdan
  • MichelP
    MichelP Posts: 8,731 ✭✭
    Please, activate the roaming on your your phone and choose Fizz ext network.
  • Lieux
    Lieux Posts: 2,528 ✭✭
    Paulette you will need to change your phone company if you still stay in New Brunswick. Be careful if you want to transfer your number. After your account is closed you will not be able to transfer your number.
    Check here
  • So_AR
    So_AR Posts: 776 ✭✭
    get a canadian plan
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