Internet installation appointment cancelled ?

I had an appointment for internet installation this Saturday September 12th. I originally had an appointment for September 22 and was happy when a spot opened up. Today, I got an email saying that the appointment is cancelled and that I need to reschedule...and the next available date is October 2!
Does anyone know why this happened and if I can talk with anyone about it?


  • Matthew A. #24717
    Matthew A. #24717 Posts: 375 ✭✭
    Wow! I hope your luck turns around! I guess just keep trying for a new appointment. You have been lucky with getting earlier appointments. I hope the next one is the one that works! Fingers crossed!
  • Samuel C. 64723
    Samuel C. 64723 Posts: 166 ✭✭
    Try to contact Fizz support direcltly on Facebook to see if they can arrange something for you.
  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,091 admin
    Hello jennifer,
    Apologies for this unpleasant situation that you've encountered.
    I've checked your account and saw that you've reached our support department, as Lieux indicated, and they've provided you a solution for this unpleasant inconvenience.
    If you encounter anything else, don't hesitate to contact us by following the FAQ with our contact methods.
    Have a nice one!
    Nicolae Bogdan
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