Money back

Hello i subscribe to internet fizz and they took the first payment from my credit card, later on with the technician we discovered that it’s not possible to instale it on my building it’s been two months and I’m still waiting for my reimbursement. Thank you.


  • Karl B. #29906
    Karl B. #29906 Posts: 214 ✭✭
    Hello Daniel, i'd suggest you to contact the support as Matthew request. I just wanted to add that it is common for carriers to take 2-3 months for the reimbursements when terminating a service with them (Per experience: with Videotron, it took a bit more than 2 months to get my money back).
  • Karl B. #29906
    Karl B. #29906 Posts: 214 ✭✭
    Also Daniel, while I think about it, you may send them a message on Messenger. Just look for Fizz on it and you will be able to send them a message. I was even able to get some support today, during the day off!
  • Samuel C. 64723
    Samuel C. 64723 Posts: 166 ✭✭
    You need to contact Fizz support. Try messaging them on Facebook as others suggested. Quick replies.
  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,031 admin
    Hello daniel,
    We apologize for this unpleasant situation that you find yourself in.
    Checking your account I could see that a refund was automatically done when you have canceled your order.
    If you haven't received your refund until now, I suggest you reach out to your bank and ask for more information.
    If the situation still persists, even after you have reached out to your bank, please contact our support department by following the steps Matthew provided or by checking our contacts over the link
    Thank you for your willingness to try out our services.
    Have a nice one!
    Nicolae Bogdan
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