Modem cable

The guy who installed my modem used the cable I had with Videotron and left with the box. Now Videotron asked me to return the cable or they will charge me $21. What can I do?


  • Lieux
    Lieux Posts: 2,528 ✭✭
    You can buy Sylvie a new coaxial cable for you in an electronic store. It will be yours.
    Edited I misunderstood the cable from your fizz box.
  • Kurt V.
    Kurt V. Posts: 353 ✭✭
    Normally Fizz offers to give you a cable (which you probably need to return with the modem when you cancel), so I would contact Fizz and explain the situation.
  • Pascal
    Pascal Posts: 7,471 ✭✭
    Strenge! No doubt a new policy from Videotron!

    Because he usually leaves the cables for the next Videotron customers, because they know very well that the addresses leave and return.

    With us, they left all the cables with the connectors. Same thing for Bell, if I leave, they will not come and take back the cables or the white box installed in my suspended ceiling, it only takes over the modem and the TeleFibe receiver

    Tried to discuss your point with Videotron, otherwise ask Fizz to settle the bill for you by following this link:
  • Patrick D. 61567
    Patrick D. 61567 Posts: 346 ✭✭
    Yeah, just buy a new cable and return the one with videotron. That's it. Or... just pay the videotron one for the peace of mind.
  • Lieux
    Lieux Posts: 2,528 ✭✭
    Sylvie to contact Fizz go in your account and click on the wen up right and then click RESOLVING ISSUES and the little bubble chat will be down right. Open 8 AM to 9PM.
    Or you can go with messenger.
  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,273 admin
    Hello Sylvie,
    We'll do our best to help you further, but we'll need more details from you. For this reason, I'm kindly asking you to contact us in private by live chat or via social media: Facebook Messenger or Twitter. Please check the info provided on the following links:
    Have a nice evening!
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