How does call forwarding with the 60 minute talk add-on work?

Veper Posts: 23 ✭✭
I rarely talk so I was planning on getting the $3 60 minutes add-on and forward all my calls to Fongo.
I know with no add-ons and no calling plan I would be charged money from my wallet for call forwarding but if I have the $3 add-on would that take care of the forwarding? If so, how does that consume my minutes, would it be 1 minute per call forwarded?


  • Victoria C. #24523
    Victoria C. #24523 Posts: 367 ✭✭
    Yeah, agree with Mike. Seems to be pretty straightforward
  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 23,840 admin
    Hello Veper,
    As Mike said, yes you will be able to use the add-on.
    You can also have a look at the FAQ point 3 for additional information and a better explanation on how calls work.
    Nicolae Bogdan
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