How can I avoid rebooting my modem every week?

Yan Z. 59414
Yan Z. 59414 Posts: 4 ✭✭
The internet I use is from security camera in the rental place. It is annoying that every week it is out of line. So I have to go there to reboot in person. My home with videotron never drop the line. what can I do?


  • MichelP
    MichelP Posts: 8,731 ✭✭
    Try to do a reset of your modem.
    Insert a pin into the reset button for about 35,40 seconds (located in the center back of your modem.
    Released this button after and wait 3,4 minutes to see all the lights coming back.
    If your computer is connected to the modem with an ethernet câble, you'll see: Easy connect.
    Types twice the factory default password (located back of your modem.
    And, reconnect all your devices to your wi-fi network.
    Your internet connexion is supposed to be completely functional again.
    If you need more assistance,
    please, contact the Fizz customer sive by chat from 8h00 to 21h00.
    When you see the green chat bubble down to the right of the page, click on it.
  • Yan Z. 59414
    Yan Z. 59414 Posts: 4 ✭✭
    Thank you for replying me. resetting is easy, the internet comes back right away. The problem is it is special for the camera for a rental property. I have to take time go in person to reboot it again. My home with videotron(with the same type camera) never drop the line. what can I do? I am not sure it is the problem of fizz line or the fizz modem? I am wondering if I use another wifi modem connecting the fizz modem using the cable, will the problem be solved?
  • Univorce
    Univorce Posts: 6 ✭✭
    Hi, you should try resetting it. If the problem persists, you could schedule a service apointment or ask for the modem to be replaced.
  • Yan Z. 59414
    Yan Z. 59414 Posts: 4 ✭✭
    The internet drops again. I try to contact fizz, and no one comes back to me.thinking of cancelling the service now.
  • Yan Z. 59414
    Yan Z. 59414 Posts: 4 ✭✭
    I have been to my rental place several times only for the camera. Everytime, after resetting, the internet comes back. Then, after few days, it drops again. AGAIN
  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,030 admin
    Hello Yan,
    I apologize for the error you've encountered, I suggest you reach out to our support where you can have this situation resolved.
    Our contact methods can be found on the following FAQ, you need to be connected into your account and click on Help, which is on mid-right of your screen, then click on Contact Us, or simply click on the link I've provided.
    Keep in mind that the answer on Facebook messenger is not in real-time and a delay can be between your question and our answer, that is why I suggest you contact us by chat for a better resolution in realtime.
    Have a good one!
    Nicolae Bogdan
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