Incredibly frustrating voicemail flow? - 1yr later

alexdilem Posts: 7 ✭✭
Is there any work around ? It takes forever to go through a couple voice messages.
I found a thread from a year ago but it's closed. The person best described the situation : "What's with the terribly slow and robotic voice Fizz has chosen for voicemail management? The wait is incredibly long filled with useless information to hear someone recording their phone hanging up. "You... have.. received...... a.. message..... from........ *....*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*... at four..teen..... twenty..five... on april.... 5."
Just get on with it already, please work on a better voicemail design we don't need to hear that stuff, and certainly not before we hear the actual message and decide to delete it or not."


  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,295 admin
    Hi Alexdilem,
    We're constantly improving our services and we'll try to make the voicemail feature as easy as possible to be handled. I invite you to follow our dedicated FAQ: You'll find there some good tips to help you to manage your messages more efficiently.
    For any other information or if you'll need further assistance, you can also contact us in private by live chat or via the social media channels: Facebook Messenger or Twitter. Please check the info provided on the following links:
    Have a good one!
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