How long does it take to unfreeze an account?

glenys Posts: 3 ✭✭
How long does it take to unfreeze an account? Been waiting since 3hrs. New card updated yet nothing. Called the bank and they have no issues.


  • glenys
    glenys Posts: 3 ✭✭
    Wowwww thank you and they told me 2hours? Unbelievable
  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,264 admin
    Hello glenys,
    I apologize for this situation that you've experienced.
    Usually, when you make your payment the system needs up to 2 hours for your payment to pass, if you have waited longer then this and it didn't pass, this means that the banks are still doing the transactions between them and it will take longer then expected.
    In this case, I know you've said that you've contacted your bank, but you can do that once more and ask them to let the transaction that is coming from Fizz end to be completed. This way your services will resume.
    Also, after looking into your account, I could see that you've reached out to our support department and they've provided you a solution.
    Nicolae Bogdan
  • glenys
    glenys Posts: 3 ✭✭
    They asked me to wait because a ticket has been sent with high priority. Here i am still waiting, my other automatic withdrawals have gone through so it is not my bank. I will be nice if you guys have other methods of payment
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