How do I "gift" data to my own cellphones if I got 3?

DGagnon Posts: 1 ✭✭
I got 3 cell phones and can't find any way to mave data between phones. Someone can help me?


  • Oury
    Oury Posts: 243 ✭✭
    I'm not sure you can but you can always hotspot.
  • Oury
    Oury Posts: 243 ✭✭
    If all the lines are in the same account like in my case, i tried it, only 1 has data. I tried gifting from that number to my second cell(no data in the plan) and it said: this membre cannot receive data since it dosent have any in his plan
  • Oury
    Oury Posts: 243 ✭✭
    I just tried by email, it just said i cant receive my own data.
  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,276 admin
    Hello DGagnon,
    You can gift data between accounts. If you still have data from your monthly plan, if you are trying to gift data from a rollover or an addon, you will not be able, because those are not giftable.
    I suggest you check the following FAQ for additional information.
    As Mike said, you will need to have mobile data on your plans.
    Nicolae Bogdan
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