How to disable call forwarding on P20 Pro?

Simon G. #22396
Simon G. #22396 Posts: 2 ✭✭
Hi, I'm having a problem with my SIM card where I can't disable call forwarding. Each time I make a call, I'm getting a popup saying "SIM 1: Call forwarding active" (see attached image). I tried pretty much all of the codes to deactive or remove call fowarding listed on this page in the link below, but I still get the popup.
Am I missing sometinhg? I'm using a Huwaei P20 Pro.
Thanks for your help.


  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,167 admin
    Hello Simon,
    The message that you are receiving is related to the fact that Fizz will not forward your calls if your phone is not in the coverage area.
    Therefore, you will need to have a signal bar for the call to be forwarded.
    Nicolae Bogdan
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