The reschedule function ?

Stephen H.
Stephen H. Posts: 1 ✭✭
The reschedule function doesn't work, can I simply be called.There is a limit to not supporting. Can't even have a chat.


  • Elizabeth B. #5037
    Elizabeth B. #5037 Posts: 80 ✭✭
    You could try contacting them via messenger explaining the issue, whenever ive contacted them there I get a reply within a few hours
  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 23,935 admin
    Hello Stephen,
    I've checked your account and I can see that you've contacted our support department and they've offered you a solution for this unpleasant event.
    If the situation persists or you are not able to reschedule your appointment, don't hesitate to contact our support department once more, the contact methods can be found on
    I also invite you to check the following FAQ for other information related to the rescheduling or scheduling an appointment.
    Nicolae Bogdan
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