Modem resetting on it own?

Is0 Posts: 2 ✭✭
I installed my modem as intructed, with no issues, however, when I woke up the day after I had to redo the procedure all over again, as if the modem did a full this normal?


  • Paprika
    Paprika Posts: 38 ✭✭
    From what I read, there is a ''strike'' from members to improve the customer support offer by Fizz.
    Therefore, I suggest that you go to the chat section and ask your question directly to Fizz: .
    Good evening!
  • Is0
    Is0 Posts: 2 ✭✭
    My modem seems to reset at midnight, it did it again just now. I'll see if I can contact Fizz directly tomorrow, because I alterned nothing to the settings. It does a legit factory reset everyday. Kinda upset, not gonna lie.
  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,264 admin
    I could see that you had one of our agents who gave you some things to check.
    I advise you to continue with him because I'm sure everything will be solved.
    Have a fine day !
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