Frustrating Mobile Service - Cannot Dial out Inbound goes to voicemail

1) Cannot dial out: I get the message: You cannot complete this call at this time. I am located on the island of montreal and I have full signal and the newest iphone, also dialing another 514 number
2) People are telling me all inbound calls go straight to voicemail it does not ring on my end.
Issues with the fizz network?? Been dealing with this now for the better part of a month and absolutely frustrating,, I guess thats what you get for paying so cheap!!!


  • Nathan
    Nathan Posts: 477 ✭✭
    Mike steps are the good ones. Like with any other brand if you have issues you can solve then :)
    The only difference is that here you'll solve them via chat with the customer service instead of waiting on the phone for hours! With the help of the CSR you should get your phone working great.
  • jeffstp
    jeffstp Posts: 81 ✭✭
    I dont know for the out call, but for the incoming call, are you in DO NOT DISTURB mode? I just tried, The screen came on, but there is no vibration and and ring coming from my phone. If i dont see the screen and dont answer, it's going to the voicemail.
  • Paul H.
    Paul H. Posts: 11 ✭✭
    I have the same problem in that I cannot dial out. I immediately receive a busy signal. I noticed the signal strength on my phone changes from LTE to 3G then H+ when dialing out.. Please help!
  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,273 admin
    Hello Gianni,
    Apologies for the encountered issues.
    Regarding your situation with the calls, following the reboot of your device, please verify if your iPhone has the latest iOS and carrier updated to Fizz while connected to a wi-fi network. Once done so, please go into the Mobile Carriers in your iPhone's settings menu and disable automatic network connection and wait for a few moments then select Fizz EXT or a different network than fizz for 3 Minutes, after this time switch back to automatic network search and verify. For more helpful tips, please take a look over:
    If the issues still persist, please reach us directly by chat.
    Thank you for your understanding.
    Have a good day.
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