Why isn't Transaction history sorted chronologically?

Andrej Posts: 123 ✭✭

It's very annoying and my OCD just can't handle the fact the history is not chronological. TELL ME WHY???


  • Allison W.
    Allison W. Posts: 1,272 ✭✭
    If I look on Chrome, my transaction history is chronological. If I look in Firefox, it's like yours. I have no good explanation beyond slightly inadequate website coding.
  • Chris K. #7521
    Chris K. #7521 Posts: 486 ✭✭
    who knows?
  • poker85
    poker85 Posts: 1,104 ✭✭
    Nobody knows it looks like
  • Thanh S.
    Thanh S. Posts: 360 ✭✭
    Fizz is really confused...
  • Andrej
    Andrej Posts: 123 ✭✭

    It's been fixed. No idea if Whizz did something or not but I am happy now LOL :)

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