No customer services???

There is no way to get help when needed ?


  • Thanh S.
    Thanh S. Posts: 360 ✭✭
    Yes, you have to chat with them by going through Solution Hub. This is the only way and the reason why they are so cheap. It's fine if you accept to just be chatting.
  • __________
    __________ Posts: 2,611 ✭✭
    Sorry to ask but have you read before to subscribe?
  • Nini G. #13860
    Nini G. #13860 Posts: 1,219 ✭✭
    Please choose the best answer to close the discussion.
  • Vincent D. 39366
    Vincent D. 39366 Posts: 215 ✭✭
    Just not on the phone, you can get support on facebook or twitter.
  • Gualberto
    Gualberto Posts: 340 ✭✭
    Yes they are excellent
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