Why tv streaming doesn't work properly with Home internet?

While I watch tv streaming the wifi cuts off a lot. I tried also with the ethernet cable but is the same. Any suggestions? Could be that I have a 30mb plan?


  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 21,975 ✭✭

    It can be a temporary problem or a provider problem


    Can you share with us your tv streaming provider?




  • MichelP
    MichelP Posts: 8,731 ✭✭
    Have you tried to reset your modem? or the putt off the modem at least 1 minute?
    Maybe it would be a good thing to verify your connection with Fizz's technical team?
    Chat with them to get support:
    Open, first, a session online and access to your account.
    When you see appear the green bubble chat down to the right page, click on it.
    Your chat session will begin with them.
  • M T. #12340
    M T. #12340 Posts: 785 ✭✭
    30mb plan allows you to watch easily HD and even 4K ( in the case of 4K I assume that there is no other concurrent activity beside the streaming itself ).
    If the issue occurs with ethernet cable then I suggest that you should test your download speed to see if you actually have 30mb or not. The test should be done with ethernet cable or using Fizz internet or MyHitron app . These apps works well on Android devices ( not so sure on apple product ).
  • kk
    kk Posts: 143 ✭✭
    sometimes it might be issue of synchronization: if possible try to pause the video stream for few seconds and then play, it should catch up with lagging. If it happens that you open several streams, your memory buffer might be full, so in such case pause for longer time, or close one of the streams.
  • I tried to restart the modem. But didn't work. I can't watch any tv channel without being cut off constantly every 2/3 minutes, and lasts a few seconds and sometimes minutes.
    I had Videotron before and didn't have that problem. That's why I'm thinking is the plan that I choose.
    I'm not the only one using Internet while streaming
  • Lucas A. #13141
    Lucas A. #13141 Posts: 354 ✭✭
    Try to do a speed test with a device that is connected to the modem with an Ethernet wire. 30mbs should be easily sufficient to be able to stream.
  • Bruno L. #14686
    Bruno L. #14686 Posts: 18 ✭✭
    i would try to reboot the modem to start sometimes it just that simple
  • Jongyun
    Jongyun Posts: 1 ✭✭
    While you are experiencing the problem, try running a speed test, like on speedtest.net, preferably on the device you are using to watch streams.
  • UPDATED. The technician came this morning and he changed the modem and the coaxial cable (although he mentioned it was working well) and now I bearly get 3 mb and less with the ethernet cable. It is worst than before!! I'm so pissed off. The technician said he couldn't do anything else and left. So now I reported again and they will send another technician. I used to have Videotron and never had any issue, for economic situation I changed the company but the speed that I'm getting is not even a half of what I'm paying. I don't know what else I could do. This is frustrating.
  • UPDATED yesterday I reported the inconsistency in the signal so today came the technician, change the modem and the coaxial cable (although he mentioned that was working fine with good signal) and now it's worst than before. I only get less than 3mb!!!!He left cause said he couldn't do more so I reported again and they will send another person. I'm so frustrated and disappointed. I know that I won't get 30mb all time but at least I wish I can get something decent!
    I changed the company due to economic situation and didn't have issues like this so I don't know what to think. The support team said that to them it shows that everything is working fine so I don't get why I'm not receiving more than 3. I tried everything and also the ethernet cable.
    Yesterday night after my report it was working great but due to the fact that the appointment was scheduled and there was inconsistency in the signal I thought was a good idea to check it with the technician and now I'm regretting that ...
  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,264 admin
    Hello Veronica,
    I'm really sorry for the issue that you're experiencing.
    If it will persist, in order to be able to help you further, I'm kindly asking you to contact us in private by chat or Facebook Messenger. Please check the info provided on the following links: https://fizz.ca/en/contact-us.
    Have a good day!
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