Router Password Wrong

Router just delivered and plugged in. The WIFI network is broadcasting fine and all lights that should be lit up are lit up. The password on the back of the router when entered to join the network is coming as incorrect. I have tried CAPS and lowercase. No can do. So how do I reset the password when I can't get onto the network?


  • Fizzy
    Fizzy Posts: 12,160 ✭✭

    You can try resetting the modem. Press and hold the reset button for at least 10 seconds.


    Be careful of similar letters/numbers like "0", "O", "1", "l", etc

    If it stlll doesn't work, you may have a different default password: Try using "password".

    Did the install technician mention anything about the modem password?


    If still unable to access, you'll need to contact Fizz support:

  • Heidi O.
    Heidi O. Posts: 2 ✭✭
    See attached. Is it case sensitive? I’ve reset with no result.
  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,228 admin
    Hello Heidi,
    Can you please check if between A and TV is not lowercase L instead of uppercase i? That is also a possibility for the password.
    Have a good day.
  • Fizzy
    Fizzy Posts: 12,160 ✭✭

    Your password is all uppercase except for the 3rd to last character.

    That character is either 'l" (lower case L) or "I" (uppercase i).

    Have you tried both?

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