How do I communicate with Fizz when I dont have facebook or Twitter?

Hi I'm trying to change my credit card but it says that I can't because I have the maximum of credit cards. I only have one. I don't have facebook or Twitter how do I reach you?


  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 21,987 ✭✭


    Ici le lien vers les informations sur le support

    • connectez vous sur votre compte
    • allez sur la page foire aux solutions, par example,
      tous les jours de 8h à 21h (HNE).
    • Attendre quelques seconds (environs 10s) que la bulle apparaisse au coin inférieur droit de temps en temps.

    Si la bulle n'apparaît toujours pas, c'est que le nombre de sessions en attente est supérieur à notre capacité de traitement. À ce moment-là, laissez-nous un message sur Facebook Messenger ou en privé sur Twitter.



  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,292 admin
    Hello Juan,
  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,292 admin
    Hello Juan,
    I am sorry for the inconvenience. In this case you will need to delete your cookies before you try again. You will need to make sure that you are using only a Canadian payment method that is accepted by the system, here you can find the ones that are:  .
    Regarding the billing address, you will need to contact your bank and ask for a bank statement where you can see the billing address that they have on their end. You will need to enter it manually as exactly as it appears on the statement. In the process, if you get any error, please take a screenshot where we can see the fields with the info that you are entering and the error message. In the case that we will need to escalate your issue to our technical team it will be very helpful.
    I have reset the limit for your account. You may try again, but please double check again all the information before you start the process.
    Thank you very much for your kind understanding and cooperation.
    Have a wonderful day!
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