Anyone having issues with MMS with Mi A2?

Kent T.
Kent T. Posts: 11 ✭✭
I can send and receive sms only. But having issues with MMS with my Mi A2 phone. Anyone having a solution?


  • Allison W.
    Allison W. Posts: 1,272 ✭✭
    Do you have data on your Fizz plan? Have you set up the APN for data and mms? Is your phone fully compatible with the Fizz network?
  • Kent T.
    Kent T. Posts: 11 ✭✭
    I have data. How do you know if phone is compatible?
  • Allison W.
    Allison W. Posts: 1,272 ✭✭
    From what I can see, your phone is compatible. It should have band 4 for lte data.
    Have you set up the APN yet?
  • Geod
    Geod Posts: 9 ✭✭
    You can also have Fizz send you a notification that setups the mms details. Under My Plans -> Manage Plan -> Advanced Parameters, you can click on "Fizz network parameters". It'll send you a a notification that automatically adds Fizz's apn details for MMS and data.
  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,273 admin
    Hello Kent,
    ALLISON has the right answer to your issue. First you will need to check your APN settings. If everything is fine with your settings please contact us and we will be more than happy to help you further. Here you can find how you can contact us: .
    Have a good one!
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