Fake service

NejmEddine D.
NejmEddine D. Posts: 5 ✭✭
They said that fizz service is totally functional but not can' receive or make call intenet service is down too


  • Leifuer
    Leifuer Posts: 540 ✭✭
    Maybe you'll find that it seems everything is not as same as IDEAL in reality.
  • Steph_PEMO1
    Steph_PEMO1 Posts: 873 ✭✭
    My friend activated his service last night, and in less than an hour everything was functional.
    After we completed final tuning, we noticed that we could have used information (and functionality) they sent him. It would have been even easier to setup NPA (or APN).
  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 23,980 admin
    Hi NejmEddine,
    In order to be able to help you, please contact us via Facebook Messenger or Live Chat. On the following link you will find information regarding how you can do that: https://fizz.ca/en/contact-us .
    Thank you very much for your understanding.
    Have a good one!
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