no internet connection for a whole day?

guoyuan Posts: 2 ✭✭
today is may 30 2019, I don't have internet since 7am in the morning, I am living in west island montreal


  • Steph_PEMO1
    Steph_PEMO1 Posts: 873 ✭✭
    I think Fizzy did cover the best way to handle methodically a problem; outage reported, reset your Equipment and finally contact Support.
  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 23,148 admin
    Hi Guoyuan,
    In order to be able to help you, please contact us via Facebook Messenger or Live Chat. On the following link you will find information regarding how you can do that: .
    Thank you very much for your understanding.
    Have a good one!
  • Nicholas M. #6210
    Nicholas M. #6210 Posts: 37 ✭✭

    Hi guoyuan,


    Did you resolve the issue? If so, what was the problem?


    I'm curious as I'm also in the West Island (Pointe-Claire).

  • Dominic L. #1933
    Dominic L. #1933 Posts: 727 ✭✭
    Issue resolved?
  • guoyuan
    guoyuan Posts: 2 ✭✭
    Thank you all.problem solved the next day after I chat with tech support. Top notch service. The issue is caused by the malfunction modem.
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