Anybody having issue today (Tuesday April 30th) with two factor authentication (2FA) via SMS?

Marc L. 2985
Marc L. 2985 Posts: 20 ✭✭
We use 2FA to authenticate remotely at work, was working fine yesterday, but now my 2FA provider is getting an error message "unreachable carrier" whenever they try to send an SMS to Fizz...


  • Marc L. 2985
    Marc L. 2985 Posts: 20 ✭✭
    Yeah... getting real tired of the excuse: "it's a work in progress"...
  • Marc L. 2985
    Marc L. 2985 Posts: 20 ✭✭
    @Irene: yes, I get that we're all users here, I'm not mad at Andrei. I'm annoyed at hearing that tired excuse...
  • Code_KRUEW
    Code_KRUEW Posts: 400 ✭✭
    Funny thing is that I received an SMS from RBC for the first time today. However, the message is all garbled:
    MJIΠMØΔFdΩògéò;ad%+ùdÖ2lÜ9¥RÅÑ4lRMØF.Y:rf9£B*Σ9iLM¥R-Y9sÖ@£W,æ;.¡L;ΦøÆ8lÖ@!Uøß:et£Ç¤JT"T¡t£Φ.Ñ4thΩΓGéH IòΩ$Rìò2éhéKFmÆΨ ,=K&Åò9bF9Θv-ÄΨtJa#W
  • Marc L. 2985
    Marc L. 2985 Posts: 20 ✭✭
    2FA still not working for me, it's been almost 8 hours now.
  • jean-maxime N.
    jean-maxime N. Posts: 504 ✭✭
    Some works , some don't , improvement is coming...
  • Jonathan T. #994
    Jonathan T. #994 Posts: 1 ✭✭
    PlayStation 2FA has never worked either
  • Marc L. 2985
    Marc L. 2985 Posts: 20 ✭✭
    @Jean-Maxime: The new Fizz GoT inspired slogan: "Improvement is coming!"

    Mine was working fine up until yesterday, so it's not an improvement, it's a regression. If it had never worked before, it would be one thing.

    It's been almost 24 hours... I now have to compromise my security and implement a less secure form of authentication because Fizz won't accept 2FA SMS from my 2FA provider... and I have to be able to connect. I work in IT for a major healthcare institution, we're not a small local shop.

    I've actually lost confidence in them, I joined in December and I was actively encouraging friends and colleagues to switch over, but now...

    At what point will I realize that I'm in a dysfunctional relationship?

    To me, it seems like the devs at Fizz are trying to reinvent the wheel with this cellular deployment and are implementing changes without proper testing.

    Luckily for Fizz, not everyone uses 2FA or uses the ones affected, so the issue is passing under the radar of most Fizz users.
  • HP
    HP Posts: 20 ✭✭
    Same thing for me.
    Working IT in health care as well, had to downgrade my 2FA.
    Do you know how much paper work is involve?
    My "relationship" is about to hit an all time low, thinking divorce...
    BTW, go on LinkedIn and do a search for fizz/'ll mostly see directors of this or that , super duper snazzy titles, marketing and web designers but hardly find any back-end/infrastructure people.
  • Mandy
    Mandy Posts: 3 ✭✭
    That explains the issue I'm having! I've been trying to connect to one of my clients who uses a "one time password" sent via text message for validation and it kept failing. Had to call them up and ask for help. Their security expert's first question was: "Are you with Fizz?" They were able to switch me to a email form of "one time password". They were not happy. I am not happy either!
  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,276 admin

    Hello @ALL 

    We are aware that 2FA services are a big need for our customers and we are working provide it to our customers as quickly as possible.

    Please be patient! :D 


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