Fizz still money from my CC (charged me a plan with 1GB and OFFERED me 2 GB) and I cant use mobile d

Valerian S.
Valerian S. Posts: 3 ✭✭
I have changed my plan with voice unlim Canada and unlim SMS and 1GB of data from 15 April and... I was offered 2GB "bonus" for Fizz-Liar failure of service and promised 10% discount on this billing cicle and... I can receive and place calls and I can send and receive SMS (with some delay...) but I can-t use mobile data (I need to use wifi) I paid for it. I tried to "step-by-step" of creating the getaway to network but... FIZZ dont let me use MOBILE DATA (because Fizz is a scam! - I got same plan and last month I have change it for plan without data... the perks offered for system failure cant be used because my plan didnt have data... so I have decided to spend more to get data in plan to use the perks... since my new plan changed 15 April... mobile data STILL NOT AVAILABLE TO MY PHONE - Fizz is a scam!) Soon I will change service provider and I will sue Fizz for all inconveninents and business lose and... REQUEST to my political representative to ask CRTC to investigate the integrity of this network and to do an audit on the financial web of lies of this company who probably require service from other networks without pay and the other service providers do not ofer service to Fizz customers so... the customer think is Fizz the problem not the people who manage the network and the financial relationship between parteners who have to provide steady service to all their customers. ONCE this type of investigations will START...


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