No data connection for 9 days?

Nefertiti Posts: 24 ✭✭
When I first applied for a plan with fizz everything was good for me. Than my SIM card stopped working having just "no sim card - emergency calls only". The tech department told me to buy a new sim. Popped in the new sim and than my "nightmare" started. No data connection on my phone. Do the maths. You have 3 phones with 3 fizz sim cards. My sim with my phone = no data connection. My sim with any other 2 phones will work with no problems. Any other 2 sims with my phone will work flawlessly. All 3 phones have the same apn settings. How long do they need to figure out to solve the problem? The answer in the title and on going. Wait for our email.
I am paying 32 $ and I get whatever they want to give me. One day no fizz service equal 2 Gb for every client. 9 days and counting for one client equal sorry we are doing our best. Funny but real. Read and laugh but this is actually me


  • Nefertiti
    Nefertiti Posts: 24 ✭✭
    The given phones are 2 pixel 2 xl and 1 nexus 5. Take in consideration that first fizz sim card had no problem with my phone. It looks like by the time first sim card stopped working, the system(fizz) banned my phone's IMEI.
  • Nefertiti
    Nefertiti Posts: 24 ✭✭
    Only my sim with my number has the problem connecting to mobile internet. Any other fizz sim with different number assigned to will work flawlessly with my phone
  • FC
    FC Posts: 119 ✭✭
    I think it's worth to try your sim in your phone again. Make sure the sim inserts properly. Based on your description, one thing I can imagine is that your sim card can not perfectly fit your phone slot. It happens to me on my first sim card. After tried few time, it works till now. Or you can ask Fizz to send you a new one, they should be able to refund for this new sim.
  • Nefertiti
    Nefertiti Posts: 24 ✭✭
    Already changed 3 sim cards
    NYOTT Posts: 8 ✭✭
    Data will not work on my Nexus 5 anymore. It use to but since the outage it no longer has data. If I put my sim in my Nexus 6p I only get 3g. It looks like Fizz has added some more phones to the incompatible list.
  • Nefertiti
    Nefertiti Posts: 24 ✭✭
    This is not for real. I have a Nexus 5 working with a beta plan with no problem.
    The problem is that I am still not able to use my data on my phone. If there was any work on my problem, the only update is now when I pop in my sim card in any phone I have LTE connection until first voice call. When someone calls me I can see the LTE changing to 3G and than no data connection.
    I wander what is the record for the longest time to solve a problem so far with fizz? Will I get an award or I will be just nominated?
    NYOTT Posts: 8 ✭✭
    It appears that the limitations are account based. So somehow they determined that if you were using a Huawei phone they went into your account and throttled your data access to 3G. So it doesn't matter if you put your SIM into another phone, it will still be 3G. If you take a SIM from someone else and put it in your Huawei phone you'll have LTE, but there is no guarantee it will stay, because they may do another scan and end up throttling that new SIM's account to 3G. It's too risky taking others sims and putting it into a Huawei phone right now. That said there are some Huawei users that have escaped having their accounts throttled. They are the lucky ones.
  • Nefertiti
    Nefertiti Posts: 24 ✭✭
    In this case doesn't make any sens to stay with fuzz. My problem started on March 29th with a fried SIM card and is still ongoing. The bubble chat guys are consistently asking me to do the magic trick which maybe had worked for a couple of people. Every day the same "front door" apologies and assurance that they are working to fix the problem. The bubble chat will not tell you how long will take to fix this endless problem. My question is why the front door they stopped the beta program if the system doesn't work? The funny thing is that they rolled over my data.
    The stabilization period “will only end once the mobile network has been stabilized, and tested over the course of several weeks,”
    In this case my problem could last the entire stabilization period which will end in July
    Fizz Mobile network enters ‘stabilization period,’ offers subscribers plan discount
    So I will pay less for something I cannot use.
    CCTS has never heard about this company. Even they couldn't find a way to contact fuzz and ask them about their business. It is almost impossible that I am the only one trying to make an official complaint against this ghost company.
    I believe that the bubble chat is located somewhere in Romania and they have limited or no access to accounts.
    To put it mildly this network wasn't ready to sell full price plans. They shall go back to beta and start when everything is ready.
  • Irene
    Irene Posts: 5,488 ✭✭
  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,273 admin
    Hello Nicoleta ,
    I checked your account and one of my colleagues escalated your situation towards our technical team.You will be notified via email once a solution will be found.
    Have a nice day!
    Marius Daniel
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