impossible to create account for first carte ?

it is impossible for me to create an account, website tells me that my address is invalid, but he finds it
and now he tells me that my card can not be registered several times ...
""You have reached the maximum number of credit cards allowed on an account.""


  • M T. #338
    M T. #338 Posts: 2,934 ✭✭
    This is a known bug you have to contact Fizz .
    You can initiate a chat with Fizz by opening a help page ( example - do not pay attention to the content of the page ).
    You'll see a bubble chat in about 15 seconds at the bottom right.
  • Serge O. #3665
    Serge O. #3665 Posts: 537 ✭✭
    You can also initiate a chat with Fizz by using facebook messaging on the Fizz page.
  • DinoS
    DinoS Posts: 626 ✭✭
    Interesting, just use my profile --> contact form and ask them to remove this "max credit card" restriction.
  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,233 admin
    Hello Yannick Stephan,
    In order to be able to help you, please contact us via Facebook Messenger or Live Chat. On the following link you will find information regarding how you can do that: .
    Thank you very much for your understanding.
    Have a wonderful day!
  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 21,963 ✭✭

    I believe that you can mark this question as answered. In order to do so, click on the button below the answer.

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