Changing email address on file: Internet option gone?

Brian W.
Brian W. Posts: 1 ✭✭
I am not sure if it is a system bug, but my account is eligible to add internet beta plan, however, when in profile, I switch my email address, I can no longer add internet plan. Is it because the new email address hasn't been confirmed yet?
Either way, reverting back to the old email seems to work back. My guess are:
1) either the internet beta is not account based but rather email based
2) either the newly email address must be confirmed before having access to the beta internet plan.


  • DinoS
    DinoS Posts: 626 ✭✭
    Email based guess is right.
  • David C. 9638
    David C. 9638 Posts: 3 ✭✭
    There seems to be a problem with the inscription process as a whole. After initiating the inscription process once (but not finishing it), fizz doesn't let you do it a second time giving you out a message saying "user bot elegible for internet". Maybe a backlog keeps in mind and assumes you already signed up when you actually did not. The only work around being clearing your cache a/o using private browsing. This leads me to think that the beta plan is account based.
    Also, if you change your email, you basically change the only way Fizz can contact you and issue important info regarding your account. It would be a security measure to ask you to confirm it before ordering new services as it would prevent someone to just log in, change email and order services you don't want.
    If you have any doubt, contact Fizz themselves or try confirming your email to see what works or not.
  • Meng J.
    Meng J. Posts: 10 ✭✭
    I encountered the same issue. Contact the customer support and they will create a ticket to fix it for you. Mine got fixed the next business day. use this link to contact them
  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 23,847 admin
    Hello Brian Wong,
    I kindly remind you that we are in our beta phase for our home internet service. This means that subscriptions are based on invitations sent by e-mail. The e-mail is your user log-in to your account, so if you change your e-mail address for your account you won't be able to access the subscription feature.
    Have a wonderful day!
    Andrei Bogdan
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