Voicemail doesn't know my phone number?

Tyler R.
Tyler R. Posts: 1 ✭✭
When someone calls and goes to my voicemail they get a french message saying it is not available. When I call from my phone it doesn't recognize my phone number and asks me to input it again. When I do, it says "Somethings not right, please check your number and try again"


  • Anne H. #1344
    Anne H. #1344 Posts: 648 ✭✭
    If you get the level 4 upgrade addon for voice mail, it doesn't work if you don't have voice mail feature. You need take voicemail option for $1, and add that addon to offset $1, and 1-1 = 0 . Just apply voicemail addon won't work.
  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,273 admin
    Hello Tyler ,
    Please check the following link regarding how to set up your voice mail : https://fizz.ca/en/faq/how-do-i-set-up-my-voice-mail .If you still encounter this inconvenience don't hesitate to contact us via Facebook Messenger or live chat.
    Marius Daniel
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