How do I request a new passcode for voicemail if I forgot my current passcode?
you should contact fizz by the chat they gonna able to help you5
If you can’t on your profile then you have to contact fizz2
The only way available yet, is contacting Fizz through their chat.
Make sur you have disable all pop-up blockers, connect to your account and go to this page
A small bubble chat will appear at the bottom right of your browser.
Customer service is open between 10:00 and 18:00 on weekend
A Fizz agent will be pleased to help.
5 -
As other have said, unfortunately, the only way to do this is via customer service, which seems like a pretty big miss for a company that wants everything to be digital and to minimize customer service. Even my old pay as you go provider had an option to change the voicemail pin in their automated phone menu, without speaking to anyone.5
Just contact Fizz about it and they’ll resolve it for you.1
Hello, En!
Please feel free to contact us on our Fizz Chat during business hours to address your concern.
Thank you,
Team Fizz0
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