Will twitter over SMS work anytime?

Catherine E
Catherine E Posts: 25 ✭✭
As this is a deal-breaker for me I would like to know whether Twitter over SMS will ever work?


  • M T. #338
    M T. #338 Posts: 2,934 ✭✭
    We don't know when it's going to work
  • Catherine E
    Catherine E Posts: 25 ✭✭
    M T are you employed by FIZZ?
  • Catherine E
    Catherine E Posts: 25 ✭✭
    M T are you employed by FIZZ?
  • TheMMc
    TheMMc Posts: 489 ✭✭
    They know the problem some like microsoft seems to work but other don't. They will probably notice us when it will be resolve.
  • Anne H. #1344
    Anne H. #1344 Posts: 648 ✭✭
    It will, if not yet.
  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,273 admin
    As of now, the tech support team is working on incorporating Twitter into our SMS system. If you wish, please stand-by on your decision until we have an acceptable solution and thank you for your interest in Fizz!
    Team Fizz
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