sms add-on not working?

hi i'm not sure if anyone had this issue yet. i don't have unlimited sms on my plan, so i bought an add-on & it just didn't work! I thought maybe it has to do with my phone, so i added $5 to my wallet, & then it did work. since then, every time i text, i get charged $0.05 to wallet, even though i have an unexpired text add-on. can anyone help me with this issue?


  • ReneD
    ReneD Posts: 1,810 ✭✭
    If you bought an add-on it should be active as soon as the payment is confirm.
    On the other hand, if you changed your plan to add text message, it will only get active at your next billing cycle.
    Contact Fizz through chat if it's the first case scenario.
    Chizz :))
  • Kenny L. #23
    Kenny L. #23 Posts: 794 ✭✭
    René D. is correct. Add-ons should be active as soon as payment goes through. Get in touch with support to get this resolved for you.
  • DinoS
    DinoS Posts: 626 ✭✭
    That's wallet bug. Withdraw all your money in wallet and SMS addon will take over.
  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 23,136 admin
    Hi Moshe,
    A ticket has been escalated towards our technical team for this issue and they sent you an information via email that is solved and that ou can check again.
    Please get back to us via messenger or chat, do confirm.
This discussion has been closed.