Can I port my number out and keep my account for a data-only plan?

I was wondering if I could port my phone number out of Fizz while keeping my account active with a data-only plan. I don't know if that's possible.
Must you still have a phone number in your SIM card when you have a data-only plan? If so, Fizz would have to give me a new phone number.
Any recommendations? Thanks!


  • Kenny L. #23
    Kenny L. #23 Posts: 794 ✭✭
    I believe you would need a new SIM to do that. Maybe someone can chime in and confirm.
  • Philippe C. 4324
    Philippe C. 4324 Posts: 3 ✭✭
    According to Kent, my account would stay open. Does that mean I'd keep the rolled over data for example?
  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 24,286 admin
    Hi Philippe,
    No, once you deactivate your plan, you will lose your benefizz :) If you unsubscribe from Fizz you lose your Level, Points and Perks. If at some point in the future you re-subscribe, you will start again at zero.
    More infos here : and here
    Have a good one!