Wallet used for no reason when roaming in Canada?

Has anyone else noticed their wallet funds got used up when roaming in Canada despite having Canadian roaming included in their plan? If so, did they come back at some point on their own or did you have to contact customer service about it?
For context, I had $5 in my wallet just in case I needed it for long distance calls or if something weird happened to my plan. When I came to Ontario for the holidays my $5 was almost instantly consumed by roaming data charges, and then the system proceeded to charge negative balances every day, sometimes hundreds of dollars at a time. I can see all of this in the transaction history of the wallet. The balance of the wallet does not actually go negative, and is currently at $0, so it's not like I have to pay for these roaming charges, but I did lose my initial $5.
Wow , I suggest you contact fizz asap10
Strange, if their system is requiring payment from your wallet (even in error) why would it continue to work when the wallet balance reached zero?10
You are not the first person I've heard of having the loss of wallet $ happen when what they're doing should be in their plan. There seems to be some bugs in their programming in that area. You'll have to contact their customer service to try and get the money back though. On the up side, at least you know there won't be any large, incorrect bill at the end of the month!
I have never put money in my wallet, so I've never had reason to look at it before, but I did just now, and I too can see that when I was in Ontario last month, there were multiple transactions, of up to over -$100, in my wallet, presumably because I was using data on Fizz EXT. I can confirm that my credit card was never charged these amounts, but there does seem to be a bug in their programming involving wallets and EXT network use.10 -
Contact them asap.
Also discussed here: https://www.reddit.com/r/FizzMobile/comments/a9kz3m/anyone_else_have_their_wallets_emptied/10 -
Worst of all there is no history of usage whatsoever regarding how our wallet is being charged for by Fizz.10
ya the history of the wallet is a really needed feature so you can dispute the charges9
Thanks everyone, especially Tamzid H for the reddit link. Looks like they're discussing the exact same issue as me, including the $5 wallet amount. I wondered the same thing too, Kenny L. Doesn't make much sense for the system to let data keep working when it thinks that I'm supposed to get charged for it but I don't have any money in my wallet, so it must be aware of the Canadian roaming package on my plan, but it also does not make sense to charge my wallet when it's aware I have roaming. It's not a big deal anyway as long as I get the $5 back at some point, but I certainly won't be adding more money to my wallet until the system is fixed.10
Hello Jonathan,
I've just sent you a private message.