Fizz Free Voicemail (upgrade level 3)?
Is this upgrade pointless since I already have free voicemail? Or will FIZZ credit/not charge me for voicemail for the next 2 years I apply the upgrade? I have found a few answers to this question online but none from a reputable source. Could a FIZZ employee please confirm?
I am also interested in the response to this.33
so far what i found is they will credit you for 2 years but not sure 100% better ask CS.33
This upgrade is not pointless, voicemail costs 1$ (as of right now) so therefore it's not free.
At level 3 you open up a 2nd slot so by now you should have 2 open slots and 3 upgrades available: 250mb / 500mb / Free voicemail.
If data means more to you than free voicemail than use your slots wisely and apply data upgrades instead because as of right now it's not possible to remove upgrades after applying it so you can't switch it with another one when you level up in the future or you can wait until level 4 to discover what the upgrade is which could be different to each individual depending on their specific plan.
For example if your plan has Quebec converage only, you might get unlimited Canada wide as an upgrade. So you have to chose what's best for you.
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How do you upgrade levels?27
I don't have voicemail but before I add it I would like to know too26
I want to know too! When I asked CS, she said she didn’t have the information about it =/27
Do upgrades expire if you don't use them?26
You won'g lose the introductory price if you do the change before dec-19, that's my understanding. So just remove your voice mail and save $1, then apply the bonus upgrade.25
Any official answer on this? I'll be curious to know as well9
I applied the voicemail upgrade and Fizz still charged me next month for the voicemail option in my account. I talked to Fizz chat about this and I was told that I can remove the voicemail from my account and apply the upgrade so that I won't be charged $1 dollar for voicemail. Was it a bug? If I apply voice mail upgrade again, will Fizz discount $1 from my bill?11
You should be credited for the voicemail fee.
If not contact CS and challenge them... not every agent are fully aware of the situation, you can even use my user name if you want...
I have been told that the whole reward program is under development, so there might might a lot of changes going on and not every agent are in the loop.
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I reached level 3 as well and got the free voicemail upgrade. I applied the upgrade, but did not receive the $1 rebate on the plan renewal. I opened a complaint and it was forwarded to the specialized team. Today, I got on chat they said that they would try to escalate the issue again. Hopefully, I will be able to get a definitive answer soon.9
If Fizz credit back. Hope Fizz correct the problem.6
This is a 2 month old thread and still it's relevant.
I applied my "Free" voice mail upgrade last month and I got charged at the beginning of my billing cycle recently.
I contacted Fizz and the person who responded (I will not mention the person name) didn't seem to know what I was talking about. At the very end the CS "said" a ticket is opened to the technical team and I will be refunded eventually.7 -
You can't simply apply voice mail upgrade. You need add VM into your account and pay $1/month more, then apply this upgrade to get $1 less. Kind of misleading as upgrade.7
I have applied the VM upgrade, but fizz is not crediting the 1$ automatically.5