Why does the system says that my number is unrecognized when I try to access my voicemail?

My voicemail is activated in my account and when I old down the 1 to access the voicemail, It says Welcome to your fizz voicemail .. then after selecting the language I get it seems you are calling from an unknown number. It then asks me to enter a number. Finally when I enter my number is says that the number is not valid.


  • R S.
    R S. Posts: 50 ✭✭
    I have this too when my sim is in a dumb-phone but works when in smartphone, maybe its related to FizzEXT?
  • Michael B. #2463
    Michael B. #2463 Posts: 72 ✭✭
    How do I contact FIZZ. My voicemail used to work. Now when I try to check my voicemail it give me the message "your phone number is not recognized".
  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 21,975 ✭✭
    I will suggest to contact the support, here we are normal user that can talk about our experience.
    You can pick one of these methods:
    - Facebook (interactive with a delay)
    - The chat https://fizz.ca/en/contact-us (interactive)
    - My Profile -> Contact forms (Passive, Send a request wait for the feedback)
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